Peace of mind for all your water quality needs!

Turbidity Filter

The automated Excalibur Water Systems Turbidity Filter removes sediment, dirt and grit from your water supply eliminating sediment buildup throughout your household.

Turbidity is the cloudiness or haziness in your water supply caused by individual particles or suspended solids such as sediment, dirt and grit. the turbidity in your water supply leaves a sediment residual in your household plumbing systems, plumbing fixtures and appliances. The automated Excalibur Water Systems Turbidity Filter removes the sediment, dirt and grit from your water supply eliminating sediment buildup throughout your household.

  • Fully automatic backwashable turbidity filter
  • 12 volt transformer that utilizes minimal power consumption less than $3.00 per year
  • Patented filter distributor that uses 30% less water during backwash reducing water consumption to drain
  • Reduces turbidity in your water supply to below 3 micron filtration
  • No filter cartridges to replace
  • Chemical free system – no chemicals or water softening salt to purchase
  • 10 year warranty

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