Peace of mind for all your water quality needs!

Water Filtration Solutions

Water Filtration Solutions

Water Treatment Solutions

Choose Safe, Clean Water !

The safety and health of your family means everything! The quality of water that is consumed and utilized in your household may be compromised with dangerous and volatile chemicals that could potentially put your family members at great risk.

Home filtration systems are a convenient alternative to bottled water. From single faucet to whole house systems we supply the correct unit or combination of units customized directly to solve your specific waters’ needs. We are happy to come to your home and install the system quickly and efficiently. We can also arrange to return to change filters when needed in order to make the process as effortless for our customers as possible.

Chemical Contamination

Volatile and organic chemicals are dissolved in any water supply either municipal or rural (water wells). Chemicals can cause serious health issues and should be removed from your working, cooking and bathing water supply.

An Excalibur Whole House Water Filtration System removes Chloramines, Chlorine, THM’s, Volatile industrial Chemicals, Lead, and all other heavy metals from your water supply providing safe clean water for you and your family.

Iron, Manganese & Sulphur

Iron and Manganese staining and Sulphur (often referred to as rotten egg smell) can be present in your water which will cause adverse affects on your appliances and plumbing sytems. The presence of these chemicals can cause deterioration and wear in dishwashers, hot water tanks, washing machines and many others appliances that will shorten their life span. Iron and Sulphur Filter Systems or a Whole House Filtration System can solve these problems.

Water Filtration Systems

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