Peace of mind for all your water quality needs!

Chemical Removal Filter
Lead / Chemical Removal Solutions

Chemical Removal Filters

Volatile and organic chemicals are dissolved in any water supply either municipal or rural (such as water wells). The chemicals found in water can be as follows:

Vinyl Chloride, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, TCE, PCE, THM’s, Chlorine, Chloramines, Lead, Benzene, Toluene, Dioxin, Ammonia, Radon, Dichloroethene, Algicides, Herbicides, Pesticides, Inks, Dyes, Degreasers, Paints, Fuel Oil, Solvents, Mercury, Boron, Aluminum, Fluoride, Barium, Nickel, Selenium, Strontium, Zinc, Uranium and MANY OTHERS.

The above chemicals can cause serious health issues and should be removed from your working, cooking and bathing water supply.

Chemical Removal Filter Systems

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